mardi 2 septembre 2008

Falling iPhone Craze in Indian youth

iPhone 3G was launched in India on August 22. Now it has only been 10 days to iPhone launched in India, but retailers are noticing falling iPhone sales here. Even Airtel and Vodafone, two exclusive iPhone providers, have confirmed the same.

1 commentaire:

Nishtha's Blog a dit…

The reason for decline in its sales is very obvious.
Its hefty price and lack of basic features.
indian market has become more mature over time with customers willing to shell out more money on high end feature rich phone, but spending money on phones that lack basic features and on top of it highly priced like the iphone won't work.

also, i wish iphone issues were only price related. i found this intstn video that clearly indicates what Apple claims to give us and what we are actually getting.
